Wednesday, July 21, 2010


I forgot that I even had this account. I remember going to visit mom & dad in Arizona over our Christmas break last year but it's nice to re-read the details. My memory is bad so I guess it's good to have this as a personal journal. I will have to post pics that relate to the previous blogs :) Here's to hoping that I can remember to keep up w/this blog and have something to look back on later.

Thursday, December 31, 2009


Mom made quiche and hash browns for breakfast. Kenzie went through each of her memory cards and told everyone what the pictures were of; she loves matching things. Dad and Dan are sitting on the balcony; the weather is really nice today. Mom and I are balancing our checkbooks and making a list for tonight's celebration. We're going to pack the car today so we can leave early in the morning. Dan wants to visit the petrified forest on the way home.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Kenzie woke up talking about her dream; she was riding an orange horsey up to the sky :) Mom made bacon, eggs and hash browns for breakfast. We watched two more movies from yesterday's Blockbuster trip. Mom & dad took us shopping and Kenz got 2 belts and a baby that moves and makes noises. Mom insisted on taking a pic of Kenz in front of some overly sized Christmas ornaments that were decorating the stip mall and I got her to pose in front of some cactus w/her pink John Deere boots that grandpa Freese got her for Christmas. Mom & Dad took us out to a late lunch @ Logan's steakhouse... it's kind of like a Texas Roadhouse. Mom was supposed to go into work @ 6pm but she got called off until 11pm; then they called later and told her she could have the night off :)

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Today I woke up @ 5:30am and took a bath which was nice after 2 days on the road. I didn't think I could sleep anymore, but climbed back into bed anyways. I didn't realize that I had fallen back asleep until I woke up to cartoons. Dad made us pancakes for breakfast. Mom gave us a tour of her place in Phoenix. We picked up a few movies @ Blockbuster and watched one at the private theater. Kenz played w/her new tea set. Dad made steak and lobster for dinner. Now we are trying to get Kenz to go to sleep so we can play a game before calling it a night.