Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Kenzie woke up talking about her dream; she was riding an orange horsey up to the sky :) Mom made bacon, eggs and hash browns for breakfast. We watched two more movies from yesterday's Blockbuster trip. Mom & dad took us shopping and Kenz got 2 belts and a baby that moves and makes noises. Mom insisted on taking a pic of Kenz in front of some overly sized Christmas ornaments that were decorating the stip mall and I got her to pose in front of some cactus w/her pink John Deere boots that grandpa Freese got her for Christmas. Mom & Dad took us out to a late lunch @ Logan's steakhouse... it's kind of like a Texas Roadhouse. Mom was supposed to go into work @ 6pm but she got called off until 11pm; then they called later and told her she could have the night off :)

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